How do we define the branding of an event for your company

If we had to define "branding", we would englobe all the necessary action to manage a brand. This is not the logo, the image or the name. It encapsulates all that everyone ele thinks about your brand and it is build through the impact you make on them. For this reason, you have to keep in control over all the elements around you and your brand. Knowing the importance of all this, how do we define the branding for an event? Is it useful for us?

¿Cómo definir el branding en un evento de tu empresa? | Crimons

Branding in an event

When planning an event, we usually think mostly in the logistics: Where will it take place? How many guests are we expecting? What is our budget? Nonetheless, if we think of branding, we are facing the following facts:

  • What is the goal of this event?
  • What is the message we want to give?
  • What do we want our guests to feel?
  • Who is our target audience?
  • What do we want to highlgiht?
  • How do we include the message we want to give within the event? If we can answer all this questions, we will start shaping our branding.
¿Cómo definir el branding en un evento de tu empresa? | Crimons

Some tips to develop the branding of your event

In case you are feeling lost and don't know where to start, we are providing with some tips to develop the concept of your event:

Name it appropriately Try to make it easy to remember and also to give a global idea of the event and the message you want to give. If it is a corporate event for your own brand, use the name of your company and the subject of the event.

Prepare a logo and a good slogan The logo can be your own company's logo. But the slogan needs to have a good punchline and reflect the character of the event. Think of the famous "we can" that Obama used for the electoral campaign: it was easy to remember and era fácil de recordar adn transmitted hsi values.

*Create an experience around the brand of your event All the elements with wich the user will be in contact with must "breath the same air". Flyers, invitations, signs or posters, passes, etc, they all have to be in the same colour scheme, style of the logo and slogan. Trust a professional who will help ou prepare all these elements with which visitors will see.

Furniture as a fundamental part of the branding If you want your event to be an nforgettable experience for your guests, you can use furniture that can be personalised, which will make you shine above the competition. We suggest, for exmple, to use puntos de luz, with spotlights that project the same colors on the walls.

This are some of the keys to make the branding of an event successful, which will make guests remember it. If you need more ideas, we suggest you have a look at our blog, where you will find a variety of options.

¿Cómo definir el branding en un evento de tu empresa? | Crimons
¿Cómo definir el branding en un evento de tu empresa? | Crimons
¿Cómo definir el branding en un evento de tu empresa? | Crimons
¿Cómo definir el branding en un evento de tu empresa? | Crimons

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