5 good reasons to hire a tent for an outdoors event

Hiring a tent has multiple advantages for outdoor events. As professionals dedicated to bring the best spirit and concept possible, at Crimons we want to offer you detailed information about how can this structures help to improve the quality of the space and the comodity of your guests.

5 good reasons to hire a tent for an outdoors event | Crimons

1.- Provides greater flexibility and possibilities to our event

One of the main advantages that hiring a tent has, is the flexibility that provides for our project. Tents are provisional elements that can be installed specifically and consequently, adaptable to a specific circumnstance. Their flexibility isn’t only on the dimensions that it can have, but also its capacity to open up and to create closed or semi-closed spaces, etc.

5 good reasons to hire a tent for an outdoors event | Crimons
5 good reasons to hire a tent for an outdoors event | Crimons

2.- Limits spaces and allows us to save on cost

Another advantage of hiring a tent is that it helps limit the different spaces. This is a crucial part of any event. People tends to feel more comfortable when they can occupy specific areas and environments. Tents can help to achieve this impression without having to limit escessively the different spaces and to interrupt the correct transit of staff and guests.

Hiring a tent, brings yet another advantage related to this matter that we often ignore: it allows us to save money, percisely thanks to the fact that, as we have said, it can limit the different spaces. This means that in the instance of a wedding, for example, with  two different tents, it will be more than enough to delimit areas. With this, we wll be saving on hiring separators, different rooms or venues for the ceremony and the banqet.

5 good reasons to hire a tent for an outdoors event | Crimons

3.- They bring security to possible adversties

There is nothing worst than a sudden weather change while enjoying at an event that can destroy the celebration. It is important to hire a tent so we have everything under control and to avoid that such an unfortunate adversity could destroy our event.

5 good reasons to hire a tent for an outdoors event | Crimons
5 good reasons to hire a tent for an outdoors event | Crimons

4.- They can be placed anywhere

One of the major advantages that hiring a tent can bring us is that we will be able to *celebrate an event in any location. *Effectively, one of the structures like the ones we offer at Crimons can be installed basically everywhere: the beach, a field, a garden. Tents can be installed at your dream location to contribute reaching your dream event.

5 good reasons to hire a tent for an outdoors event | Crimons

5.- They are easy to setup and dismantle

One more advantage of hiring a tent, is that they are not difficult to setup and dismantle. This means that in no time you will have a tent available to sum to your event. Afterwards it will be dismantled without causing any damange, like it had never been there. At Crimons we can manage all details so you have exactly what you want where you want it.

At Crimons we can manage your event and ensure it goes exactly as expected. We develop stories and desing spaces for them.  Ask for more information if you would like to know how we could help.

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