M-F 09:00h – 18:00 (for ongoing services available 24/7)


Find out about our last productions for events, our best tips for event furniture, the newest trends and more in our blog!

Typical Spanish

40 anniversary of Eneldo Venues & Catering and the presentation of Espacio Villanueva.

5 types of bars of bar for parties according to the effect that want to achieve

5 good reasons to hire a tent for an outdoors event

50th anniversary in a clandestine place

Pirate ship in sight!

How decorate a bar of portable bar?

Classic or Nordic Christmas?

What are Kilim cushions and what do they symoblise?

Alquilar plantas para eventos según su significado

customizable bars

Bars and special cars to have an amazing wedding

Welcome EIBTM

Outdoor wedding in Madrid

Country house wedding


Dinner at the Maritim Museum

Autumn colours

Crimons and The Royal Catering

Giving color to the Arts Hotel

Too early for a saturday

El papel de la iluminación para eventos

Modernist elegance

Variety is the spice of life.

Betweens ruins: “El Mercat del Born”

XL Spaces, XL Forniture

Decorating styles for events | Surprise your guests

Enormous events

Corporate and business meals in wineries 

Incentive event in Barcelona

Cocktail format for corporate events

Inauguration of the new space La Grada in Madrid

Bar of bars

The best cocktails for events

The best of MWC

Customize your event with unique elements – Dare to play with color

Main characeristics of industrial decoration

360º projects for thematic events

Big events and 3D projects

Tipos de eventos según finalidad | ¿Cuál es mejor para mi?

Tipos de mobiliario para eventos | Todo lo que debes saber

Ideas for buffets

A cocktail inside the Thyssen Museum

A large scale chill out

A massive event inside a hivernacle

A cocktail dinner full of buffets

A night with much history