Find out about our last productions for events, our best tips for event furniture, the newest trends and more in our blog!

Decoration for Fairs, Corporate Events, and Themed Parties

Complete guide for organizing an unforgettable Christmas dinner

“Las mil y una mesas”

Typical Spanish

4 benefits to rent one photocall

5 types of bars of bar for parties according to the effect that want to achieve

50th anniversary in a clandestine place

Pirate ship in sight!

Christmas is coming!

How decorate a bar of portable bar?

Classic or Nordic Christmas?

What are Kilim cushions and what do they symoblise?

Alinea and Grant Achatz Chef at Madrid

Branding conferences

Barceló Invade

Bars and special cars to have an amazing wedding

Keys to organizing a successful thematic meeting

Long Lasting Plants collection

Decoración para una boda Vintage

Decorar con centros de mesa | ¿Qué nos aporta?

Too early for a saturday

El papel de la iluminación para eventos

El significado de los colores | ¿Qué quiero transmitir?

Fall in love with themed parties

Decorating styles for events | Surprise your guests

Estructura Chiringuito, tu mejor aliado

Post-it event

Eventos temáticos | Memorias de África

Eventos temáticos | Vive cada mTheme events | Live every moment as if it was the last oneomento como si fuese el último

Festivals with CRIMONS

Incentive event in Barcelona

Tenis Barcelona partners party

Ideas for a babyshower

Ideas, news and trends, everything you need to know in furniture rental to decorate the wedding of your dreams

Café Le Bistrot Inspiration

“La Llotja” dressed with a baroque suit

Nadal at an industrial place


Customize your event with unique elements – Dare to play with color

Main characeristics of industrial decoration

360º Projects by Crimons

360º projects for thematic events

A unique shopwindow

A pallet event

A unique wedding with views to the Mediterranean Sea

A maritme gala dinner